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Behavioral Insights: A Must Have for Founders

In This Episode:

Behavioral insights have the power to predict, shape, and propel the future of a business or even an entire industry. With them, companies can grow their sales, improve quality control, retain staff. But what are they and how do they work? In this episode, Denise Silber is joined by Darren Frey, founder of Ensemble Insight, whose consulting business integrates machine learning to help founders identify new, relevant data and make more informed decisions.

With his extensive professional experience at the intersection of behavioral and data sciences, Darren Frey  explains how business owners, when faced with a challenge that is not responding to usual methods, can find new solutions from either existing data or new data that is easy to acquire. In this episode, they cover everything from internal decision making to customer acquisition and retention, all through the lens of behavioral insights. Whether you're a new founder, or a long time entrepreneur, this episode promises to provide new perspectives to business strategies.

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A Glimpse of What You’ll Learn

  • What “behavioral insights” are, and how entrepreneurs can use them to their advantage

  • New ways to segment consumers or businesses

  • Variables companies can look for to determine quality of their products and services

  • Which management methods influence group intelligence and decision-making ability

  • Scenarios and industries where Behavioral Insights are most helpful

  • Real examples of behavioral insights changing the trajectory of a business

  • How Darren’s background at the Divinity School shaped his perspective of social interactions


Darren Frey is the Director of Ensemble Insight, an applied decision science consultancy, as well as a lecturer at Science Po’s School of Management and Innovation in Paris. He works at the intersection of the behavioral and data sciences in order to help organizations make evidence supported and behaviorally informed decisions. An American raised in Mexico City, Darren Frey has a Masters in Theological Studies from the Harvard Divinity School, a Masters in Philosophy from the University of Edinburgh; a Masters in Economics and Psychology (Paris I & Paris V), and a PhD in Cognitive Science from the University of Paris. After working at both UNESCO and Sanofi, first as a Senior Data Scientist and then as Director of the Analytics and Data Science Engine, Darren Frey created Ensemble Insight consultancy to provide tailored, behavioral and data scientific expertise to companies from early stage start-ups to the Fortune 500.