Chris Rohe

As an Air Force Academy graduate, the Challenger disaster was a pivotal moment for Chris Rohe, HKS ’02, reshaping his understanding of the risks in space exploration. What began as an era of boundless optimism has evolved into one marked by growing concerns, where the rapid expansion of space exploration now faces significant challenges from orbital debris and congestion.

GuardianSAT™ emerged to meet this urgent need. Their patented technology autonomously detects and responds to threats in real time, protecting our space environment.

Chris was eager to be part of the Accelerator to propel GuardianSAT’s trajectory. Once accepted, Chris seized the opportunity to gain valuable tools, insights, and connections—ultimately winning first place at 2024 Demo Day and earning a spot to compete at this year’s Startup World Cup and a $1M investment. For Chris, the Accelerator was “the single most important thing we did last year.” It was the first time, he and his team were part of a community of like-minded innovators driven to tackle world-changing challenges and make a real impact. 

Prior to the Accelerator, GuardianSAT had 2 patents and had secured over a quarter million dollars from the National Science Foundation. Yet he credits the Accelerator’s mentors, faculty, and resources for helping them strategically advance their goal of a secure and resilient space environment.

The Harvard AE Accelerator proves to be the perfect launchpad for founders like Chris—those ready to tackle big challenges, connect with a supportive community, and turn bold ideas into reality.

Key Successes

  • 2024 HarvardAE Accelerator Demo Day Winner

  • 2 Global Patents valued at $250M

  • NSF Award: Verification/Validation of Solutions/Patents

  • Over $8 million in near term orders and development contracts

  • 8  Space industry Sponsors/Partners (non-exclusive)

  • Certified government contractor with approved clearances